Middle names can be very important to a person and their family. Many people's middle names are the name of a special relative or a very close friend. They may have passed away or they may have a special place in the history of the family. Another common theme to choosing a middle name is choosing a prominent member from one's family religion. Some of the most common middle names are Michael, John, and Mary from the Bible. In the case of today's celebrities, they choose the most random name imaginable and decide that this name is the best idea for a middle name (or first name for that matter...) A not so common theme for choosing a middle name is choosing a word from another language that means something to the mother or father. One of my friend's middle names (who is African American) is Noire, which means "black" in French.
Another way to pick a middle name is the use the mother's maiden name, and this is exactly what my mom did. My middle name is Jensen, my grandpa's last name, and my mom loved the idea of keeping that name in the family. My sister has the same middle name for the same reason. I think that is a tradition that is not kept around as much as it should be because in a typical marriage the female takes on the last name of the male. By keeping your maiden name as your middle name it never goes away!
It can be really interesting to sit down with your family and learn why you were given your middle name. If you are able to, even try to ask your grandparents where their middle names came from. I have gotten into some really interesting and memorable conversations with my family when these things have come up. Take some time today to learn more about your heritage and learn to love your middle name!!