Today, umbrellas are made of nylon, plastic, or a cotton-based material. They are made in hundreds of different colors and styles to ensure everyone can find an umbrella that suits them. There is the classic black umbrella for the businessman type, the cute pink frilly umbrella for little girls, even umbrellas that look like superheroes for little boys. Personally, I have a brown umbrella with multi-color polka dots. My umbrella also came with a handy little case to put it in when it's folded up so it doesn't get the other things in your bag wet.
Rainy days are always interesting on Purdue's campus. There are many different methods that people use to cope with the rain. There are the people who go about their day as usual, walking to class like everyday just with the addition of an umbrella in one hand. Others, and I would have to say this is the majority from what I've seen, choose to take the bus. The buses on rainy days are unbearably crowded and when there is the slightest amount of humidity in the air from the rain, they get very warm very quickly. I tend to take the bus on rainy days unless the temperature outside is nice enough to still enjoy walking outside.
The umbrella seemed to make a comeback after Rihanna came out with her hit song "Umbrella" in 2007. The song has a very catchy beat and I'm sure if you've heard it you have caught yourself singing " under my umbrella-ella-ella-eh-eh" multiple times before. After seeing what a big hit the song was, Rihanna got a deal with the umbrella line "totes" to have her own line of umbrellas at Macy's! Who knew a hit song could turn into a business deal!?