Some people are outgoing and let you know exactly how they are feeling. Those people are easy to please. It's the people who are more introverted that you need to work at. By observing peoples everyday reactions to their surroundings, it can become increasingly easier to make people happy. If one of your friends really gets excited when there are gummy worms at the dining courts, buy her some gummy worms for no reason! I'm sure it will make her happy and you will feel great about doing that for someone. It can be as big of an action as buying someone flowers and surprising them in their lecture in CL50, or it can be as small as telling someone they look nice that day. Both are just as effective as long as they are done with care.
If someone wants to make me happy, it doesn't take a lot. First of all, if it is a sunny day, I am guaranteed to already be in a great mood. If it is a warm and sunny day, I don't need anything more than to be outside to feel happy. But if someone wanted to totally top that and go for mega happiness, a simple compliment would do the trick. I'm sure a lot of you have seen the people who stand outside on campus and give out "free compliments". Although those compliments are not very well thought out, it still feels good to hear "Hey I really like your scarf" or "Your hair looks great today", even if it is from a random stranger. Those people may get a lot of funny looks but I'm sure they walk away from there feeling like they made some people's days just a little bit better.
It is proven that physical activity can put you in a better mood. I know that I always feel great after an intense workout or even after just running around playing frisbee or racquetball. If you are having a bad day, feeling stressed or just feeling down, try to get up and get moving around. Even if you just take a walk with a friend you are getting exercise and socializing; two things that all humans benefit from. Last weekend I was feeling really overwhelmed with school so I just picked up and went to the RSC and hopped on the treadmill. I just chugged along for a couple of miles and felt so great afterwards. I went on to have a great and productive weekend, which is another great feeling. When you feel in control of your life and your own happiness, you will feel happier more often because you are in touch with your feelings and you will be able to spread your happiness to others.
The point of this day is not to sacrifice all of the things that make you happy to make others happy. The point is to remember to take time for happiness in your daily life by spreading a smile.
I'll end with a quote:
"Never give up on the things that make you smile." --Anonymous
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